Thursday, January 6, 2011

How the Constitution is Like the Bible

The first act of the newly elected Republican House today was to read the entire Constitution on the floor of the House. In the days leading up to the event, I've heard a lot of different opinions about it – both good and bad. I noticed that a lot of the things I was hearing sounded strangely familiar. If I were to make a list of documents that have greatly influenced the world, such a list would include both the Bible and the Constitution. Granted, the Constitution is not in the same league as the Bible but, in certain way, they are similar. Interestingly, conservative attitudes the same toward both, liberal attitudes seem the same toward both, and the conservative and liberal attitudes differ in the same ways.

The first similarity should be obvious: both contain a set of laws. However, I've noticed that many liberals do not view either document as a set of laws but rather a list of guidelines. They don't see them as rules but as “suggestions” and feel that it's ultimately up to us (actually, liberals think it's up to them) to do the right thing.

Along these same lines, many conservatives hold a similar regard for both the Constitution and the Bible. We view the laws as being beyond opinion. They must be absolute and equally applied regardless of our personal feelings. Note carefully that I said “equally applied.” The law shouldn't be used to guarantee equal results. Jesus said, for example, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). That is absolute and applies to everyone. It doesn't matter if we don't think it's fair. Liberals, on the other hand, want to abuse sound doctrine and apply some fuzzy “biblical” principle like, “we're all God's children.” Huh? Where does it say that in the Bible? So they reject actual Biblical truth and misuse the Bible to promote “fairness.”

Liberals take this same approach to the Constitution. For example, the Constitution protects my freedom of speech (“protects” not “grants”). I can use my blog to speak my views about the President, the Congress, the courts, the media, or anything else my heart desires. I expect the government to protect my right to say these things. At the same time, I realize the government must protect the free speech of people who might disagree with me. That is applying the rules equally. Yet once again, liberals invoke some vague, “constitutional” principle of “fairness.” Instead of protecting individual free speech, the feel it's the government job to insure that all speech is balanced and that all views are heard. Just listen to some congress people as they talk about FOX News. And don't forget the Fairness Doctrine. Just as they mistreat the Bible, liberals also misuse the Constitution to promote fairness.

Another similarity between the Bible and the Constitution is that they are both immutable. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and the Bible contains a stern warning that nothing should be added or removed from it (Revelation 22:18-19). The Constitution may not be quite as rigid but it was specifically designed so that amendments were difficult to pass. If we are to live by rules, we must be certain of what the rules are. Here again, liberals differ from conservatives. To liberals, both documents should be seen as “living documents.” Their opinion is that the Bible and the Constitution were written in a different time, in different cultures, for different people. Liberals don't feel like we should be rigidly bound to the rules of the Bible or the Constitution. Since we live in a different society now, they believe we should temper the rules to fit the circumstance. How can we call them “rules” if they are transitory? I think Walter Williams summed up best by asking, “Would you play poker with me if I said the rules of poker were 'living rules'”?

Finally many liberals have been ridiculing the Republicans for reading the Constitution. Liberals don't understand (or pretend to not understand) why conservatives regard the Constitution the way we do. They feel we're slavishly following an archaic document written centuries ago and we need to wake up and join the 21st century. These are the same things the liberals say about the Bible.

And think about this: how often have liberals claimed the Bible is the opium of the people? They say that the people in power would use the Bible to keep the masses in check and to perpetuate their own power. I suppose there was a period in history when a corrupt church used the Bible to hold sway over kings and their citizens. However, at the same time, the church fought to keep the Bible out of the laity's hands. After all, it's safer to tell people what the Bible says rather then letting them read it for themselves. Today, liberals abuse the Constitution to perpetuate their own power and to appease the masses. Their motto is to tax the rich and give things to the poor. They take from the few and give it to the many – all under the supposed authority of the Constitution. Perhaps that's also why they ridiculed the Republicans today. Maybe they don't want people to know what the Constitution really says!


  1. The Constitution is certainly like the Bible, in that Republicans pick and choose the sections that suit them and everything else is conveniently "done away."

  2. Crowe,

    That's interesting. I've said exactly the same thing about liberals/Democrats. Here's one example:

    When the president of Chick-fil-A made comments supporting traditional marriage, a Chicago alderman said, “There are consequences for freedom of speech (and) in this case the consequences are... you're not going to have your first free-standing restaurant in Chicago.” So, don't you think free speech should include expressing your political and religious opinion on gay marriage without fear of government retaliation?

    I believe most conservative Christians hold the Bible and Constitution in high regard. I can't imagine myself or anyone of my persuasion ignoring any part of either. It's my opinion that your comment is entirely without merit but here's your chance to prove me wrong. Could you cite a particular example of what you claim. Please be specific.

    I think you'll be hard pressed to provide a specific example but if you do, I promise to publish it promptly. Thank you for visiting my blog in any case.

    God bless!!


  3. To understand the similarities you have to be open to read about them. You also have to be willing to challenge your own assumptions. In many cases those assumptions have root in modern institutes of higher learning. Truth is not bias, and the truth is God exists, there is direct proof of it to any individual that looks. His signature is all over the founding of this country. To understand this is to look at Jewish customs, the Bible. There are countless examples of similarities found in our constitution and the Bible. This is fact. Even a secular perusal of this topic would reveal this to be so.

  4. Even a secular perusal of the similarities between the Bible and the Constitution of the United States would reveal the
    There is a link, liberty and happiness are inseparably connected. Freedom of Choice as instilled in Christian Tradition, Take for example the rich man that asked Jesus what he should do to inherit the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said go give unto the poor all that you have and come follow me. Jesus never took from the man to give to another, nor did God force it upon a man. God allows man his own will and freedom.
