Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Everybody is a Sinner but only a Few are Idiots!

As I write this, I'm 45 years old. I've lived a while and have known a lot of people during my lifetime. I have friends, acquaintances, and even family members who have gotten involved in all sorts of sordid dealings so I know that these things happen. What Congress Anthony Weiner did isn't really that unusual though that doesn't make it excusable. I don't really wonder why it happens; I wonder why it happens to elected officials.

Look people, when you're voted into office, you are going to be in the public eye for at least the duration of your term. Don't you understand that? If you have a compulsion to send lewd photos of yourself to strangers you've met online, you might take that into consideration before running for office because after you're elected, behavior like this is almost certain to be found out.

I really don't understand the thought process of people like Weiner. His perversions must have existed prior to his running for office. If he believed he could continue his antics while in office, it's a sign of very poor judgment on his part. When that first photo went public, he should have immediately come forward with the truth. If he thought anybody might believe him when he said he wasn't sure if that was him in his underwear, it further demonstrates his poor judgment. It also demonstrates his proclivity to lie.

I have some free advice for elected officials: put your passions on hold while you are in office. Don't post embarrassing photos of yourself online, don't visit prostitutes or try to have gay encounters in men's rooms, don't father children with your mistress, and just stop being stupid in general.

I Timothy 3:1-13 details some of the qualifications for being a bishop (deacon or overseer depending on the translation). Verse 7 specifically says he must be a man of good reputation so that he will not fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. If we expect this out of a deacon in our church, can't we expect at least as must from an elected official?

I understand that people are sinners – just stop acting like idiots. My advice to Weiner is the same advice Jesus gave to the woman caught in adultry: Go!! And sin no more.


  1. Hello, A Sure Word. I was researching evo/crea tidbits (as that is a hobby of mine) and came across this post: I read most every comment on there, but came down to yours and was astounded by how much I agreed with it! So I visited your blog and found that I, still, agreed with most everything you have said on it. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing the truth with the world. It's very refreshing to see a fellow truth-seeker out in the world and not just within your own community of truth-seekers.

  2. Caleb,

    Thanks so much for your kind words. Thanks also for visiting my blog.

    It indeed is encouraging to know that there are still people out there who stand firmly on the truth. I'm saddened sometimes at the amount of compromise I see among people who call themselves Christians.

    Concerning the matter of creation, it seems to me it would be common sense to trust in the revealed word of the Creator over the flawed opinions of fallible men who weren't even there at the creation!

    We need to share the gospel with a world which believes evolution. The gospel isn't that God used death (via evolution) to create us. The good news is that death is the wages for sin but there's life in Jesus!

    I hope you find some helpful discussions on my blog. Feel free to cut and paste them as you like to help get the word out.

    God bless!!

  3. Thank you, I just might do that.

    While reading your blog, I also thought that maybe you might be interested in a book called the "Ultimate Proof (of Creation)" as many of your arguments seem to cross with the book's. It's available on amazon for about 11 bucks.

    God bless!

  4. Caleb,

    Thanks for the recommendation but I'm way ahead of you. I've already read that book. A few of my recent posts were inspired by the points discussed in the book as you can tell. I think it's a great resource. At the risk of sounding cliche, I think it's a "must read" for apologists.

    I intend to write a review of the book sometime soon. Keep checking back.

    God bless!!
