Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Not Funny Anymore!

Liberals are crazy. I mean that literally. Liberalism is a mental disorder and I'm just waiting for the AMA to recognize it as such. Normally it's not acceptable to laugh at people who are mentally challenged but I have made an exception for liberals. At certain times in the past, I've just found their twisted way of thinking to be funny. One example I've used before is how liberals want to ban salt and legalize marijuana. It's hilarious. Lately though, it's getting out of hand.

You might have already heard about the recent incident in Hoke County, NC, where a 4 year old kindergartener was told her homemade lunch wasn't acceptable. According to the Carolina Journal, The girl’s turkey and cheese sandwich, banana, potato chips, and apple juice did not meet U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines, according to the interpretation of the person who was inspecting all lunch boxes in the More at Four classroom that day.” The little girl was served a cafeteria lunch instead and her parent received a note explaining that, “students who did not bring a "healthy lunch" would be offered the missing portions, which could result in a fee from the cafeteria, in her case $1.25.

It's tempting to make another joke about the hypocrisy of liberals. I could say something like, “liberals don't want to test welfare recipients for drugs but want to inspect kids lunches” but the situation is too alarming to make jokes. This is like a Seinfeld episode come to life. It's the soup Nazi snapping, “No turkey for you!”

The event has captured nationwide attention and the school's actions have been harshly criticized. In a follow up to the story, tried to explain that this was all a misunderstanding. Assistant Superintended in Hoke County, Bob Barnes explained, “The assessment requires the school to review children's lunches for nutrition.... If a homemade lunch is determined to be missing one of the food groups required by United States Department of Agriculture regulations, the school is supposed to offer it to the student for free.”

Does he really think that helps his case? The problem is not necessarily how this situation was handled. The problem lies in the very premise that school officials believe its their job to inspect kids' lunchboxes in the first place. This is a symptom of liberal elitism. They think they know what's best for us and so have deployed federal agents to make sure we're taking care of ourselves correctly.

Watch this short video where Debbie Squires tries to defend the elitist position before a Michigan House Committee Meeting (I apologize for the poor video quality):

Do you see what I mean? Elitists think we might want to take care of ourselves and our kids but we just don't know how. They see it as their job to step in and protect us from our own ignorance. Where do these regulations stop? Will there be federal agents in restrooms to make sure everyone washes their hands before exiting? Maybe we should take our cars to the BMV every month to make sure our tires are properly inflated and our fluids topped off. When we renew our driver's licenses, maybe we should provide proof of gym membership to demonstrate we're also getting enough exercise.

Actually, I'd better stop before I give liberals ideas for new regulations.

The NC example is another reason why homeschooling has become so popular. Unfortunately, it's gone far beyond the schools. Rush Limbaugh has warned before that liberals might be funny when they're out of power but when they're in power, they're dangerous. I see what he means. The police state has already gotten out of hand. We don't need help from the government to live our lives. This isn't funny anymore!


  1. RK Bently, I really like your posts. This reminds me of the Penn State mess where the legal thing ws done and considered correct. It was reported to the superiors. Well if the legal thing was correct why were there near riots and why has the Penn legilative body decided to make it law that you must know inform the authorities? All this liberal stuff (twisting the truth of the environment) just doesn't work out in reality. In fact we are now headed for a new definition of truth that says only what is legal is true. This despite the evidence to the contrary.

    By the way your answer to the 10 question video was great.

  2. MG,

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Thank you for your kinds words. Because of my stat-counter, I know how many people visit my blog but only a fraction of visitors tell me what they think. It's encouraging to hear that you like it.

    Your comments reminded me of the Ann Coulter book, Demonic, which I read recently. Liberals are a mob. They're not rational. They don't reason – they riot. If you haven't read it yet, I recommend it.

    The 10 Questions was something I thought was important and I wish I had more traffic on that series. I was glad to see that 2 posts from that series were on my “popular posts” list this week.

    Please keep coming back. Also, please share my articles on Facebook, email them to your friends, and cut and paste any content as often as you'd like. Help me get the Word out!

    God bless!!


  3. I recall, from decades ago, being criticized by one of my teachers (who either assumed I had way more control over the contents of my lunchbox than was actually the case, or simply had no one else to complain to) for bringing milk to school in a thermos rather than buying it there (for four cents a carton, as I recall). Even at the time, if I recall correctly, I wondered if the company providing the milk encouraged teachers to drum up business for them. But there was nothing else she could do about it.

    Every government program makes money for someone -- and that someone has an obvious motive to expand rather than contract the government program. I am easily cynical enough to suspect that this, as much as nanny-state concern with proper nutrition, is behind a decision that home-cooked chicken is less adequate than school-cooked chicken nuggets. Which, of course, doesnt' really contradict your point.

  4. Steven J,

    You said, “I recall, from decades ago, being criticized by one of my teachers (who either assumed I had way more control over the contents of my lunchbox than was actually the case, or simply had no one else to complain to) for bringing milk to school in a thermos rather than buying it there (for four cents a carton, as I recall). Even at the time, if I recall correctly, I wondered if the company providing the milk encouraged teachers to drum up business for them. But there was nothing else she could do about it.”

    There is always a certain amount of cronyism that goes on when megalomaniacs have power but in this case, I think it's more their elitist attitude that they know what's best and take it upon themselves to make sure the parents are packing the proper lunches for their kids.

    You have brought up a subtle point that I believe escapes the attention of many liberals. Namely, your mother packed your lunch decades ago. The same is true for me (more decades ago than I care to admit). I have 2 kids of my own now and we have packed their lunches as well. Here's the point: how do you think we and millions of other kids survived so long before liberals had the bright idea to make sure our mothers were packing healthy lunches?

    Thanks for visiting. God bless!!

