Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Mob is on the Move

I blogged before that I was reading Ann Coulter's book, Demonic. I said then how Coulter is one of my favorite authors and that her books always nail their subjects so I won't rehash all that here. However, I will say that I believe I have learned more from reading her last book than any of her others. Liberals aren't able to reason. OK, I knew that already but now I see how liberals are driven by a mob mentality. They actually think in sound bites: “Bush lied – people died” or “No justice – no peace.” These short slogans are usually all they know about some particular issue. Liberals are led by emotion and liberal leaders spout these slogans to whip the mobs into a frenzy. Liberals don't reason – they riot.

Here's a case in point: Some people have compared the Occupy movement with the Tea Party. I guess if you overlook the fact that the Occupy movement was accompanied by defecating outdoors, mountains of trash, vandalism, rapes, assaults, and arrests, then one might see a similarity between the two groups. Frankly, I don't see any similarity between a peaceful, political rally and a riotous crowd taking over a park and engaging in lawlessness for weeks on end. One is an assembly of protestors and the other is a mob.

We're seeing another mob uprising in Florida after the fatal shooting of 17-year-old, Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman. When I first heard about the story, it was reported that Zimmerman, a white man, saw a young, black teenager in a hoodie and thought it was suspicious. Zimmerman called 911, then followed Martin and confronted him. A scuffle ensued and Martin was shot. At first hearing, it sounded like a case of an over-zealous, right-wing, gun-toting white vigilante profiling a young man who's only “crime” was shopping while being black.

Fortunately, I am able to think rationally. Over the last few days, some other details have emerged that paint a different picture. Zimmerman's father gave us this account (as told to him by Zimmerman):

George was going to the store, and he saw someone in his community that he did not recognize as living there. Because there had been a lot of break-ins in the area, he thought that was suspicious that someone would not be walking on the street or the sidewalk, but they'd be walking right behind the townhomes.” ¶Robert Zimmerman said that his son, George Zimmerman, 28, then called a non-emergency number to report this stranger. He lost sight of the teen as he looked for an address to report to police. ¶“It’s my understanding that at that point Trayvon Martin walked up to him, asked him, ‘Do you have a – beep – problem?’ George said ‘No, I don’t have a problem’.” ¶The elder Zimmerman said that as his son started to reach for his cell phone, Martin, 17, punched him in the nose, knocking the larger man to the pavement. ¶“Trayvon Martin got on top of him and just started beating him, in the face, in his nose, hitting his head on the concrete,” Robert Zimmerman said. ¶That’s when Martin spotted George Zimmerman’s gun, Robert Zimmerman said. ¶Trayvon Martin said something to the effect of, ‘You're gonna die now,’ or ‘You're gonna die tonight,’ something to that effect.” ¶Zimmerman, a self-declared neighborhood watch volunteer, fatally shot Martin on Feb. 26 in what he called an act of self-defense.1

Certainly the encounter as described by the father gives a different impression of how the events transpired. The funny thing is, Zimmerman doesn't even match the portrayal of him given by the alternative media: He's not white, he's Hispanic. He's not right-wing but is a registered Democrat who even volunteered tutoring black kids on the weekend.

Now, I'm not saying the father's account is necessarily the true version but I know that we shouldn't rush to judgment. There's needs to be an investigation and hopefully the truth will come out. Of course, liberals have rushed to judgment.

All liberals can hear is that a white man shot an unarmed, black teenager. I keep hearing the “pithy” description that Martin was “armed only with a box of Skittles.” The outraged Al Sharpton is shouting, “Arrest Zimmerman now!” The New Black Panthers have issued a bounty on Zimmerman, “Dead or Alive.” And yes, the “No justice – no peace” mantra is starting to echo.

The mob is on the move. Liberal leaders are doing nothing about it. No, I take that back; they're doing plenty about it. They're fanning the flames. Rep. Bobby Rush wore a hoodie on the House floor saying that “racial profiling has got to stop.” I don't know that racial profiling has even occurred. President Obama, who, after the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords, asked that we tone down hateful rhetoric, has not said one word about the Black Panthers' bounty. However, he did lament that, if he had a son, he would “look like” Trayvon Martin. There are no calls from any Democrat, that I've heard, saying that we need to let the investigation take its course. Actually, I haven't heard too many Republicans speaking out about this either. I suspect many are kowtowing out of fear of the mob.

Liberal leaders like the mob. They use the mob to advance their agenda. They'll sit on their hands while the mob stews or even invent new slogans to feed to the mob. If a Rodney-King-like riot occurs (which is a real possibility), they'll feign condemnation in one breath, and in the next, will excuse the rioters by saying it's the result of their victimization. They won't seek justice against the rioters but will call for more sensitivity for the plight of blacks.

I hope I'm wrong and it doesn't go that far but I fear that it might. That's how the mob gets things done.


  1. Not sure it is entirely helpful for you to label "liberals" with such a broad stroke. After all, by your same argument, "conservatives" are equally driven by sound bites and mob mentality (e.g. Fox News).

    Perhaps there is a more civil way to discuss these difficult issues?

  2. "Fortunately, I am able to think rationally."

    Really? Is that why you quote the article from US News to confirm your bigotry, but conveniently forget to include the fact that Zimmerman showed no signs on his face of being punched...or repeatedly having his head bashed into the concrete for that matter?

    This article was tagged "bigots, hypocrites..." how ironic.

  3. Anonymous,

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    You said, “Not sure it is entirely helpful for you to label "liberals" with such a broad stroke. After all, by your same argument, "conservatives" are equally driven by sound bites and mob mentality (e.g. Fox News).”

    Just saying, “Fox News” is rather vague. Do you have a more specific example?

    You said, “Perhaps there is a more civil way to discuss these difficult issues?”

    There are plenty of more civil ways. I'm all for civility. It's why I said there shouldn't be a rush to judgment. Where exactly are the calls for civility coming from the left?

    You said, “[RKBentley said],"Fortunately, I am able to think rationally." Really? Is that why you quote the article from US News to confirm your bigotry, but conveniently forget to include the fact that Zimmerman showed no signs on his face of being punched...or repeatedly having his head bashed into the concrete for that matter?”

    Did you read my entire post? Did you read the part where I said, “Now, I'm not saying the father's account is necessarily the true version but I know that we shouldn't rush to judgment. There's needs to be an investigation and hopefully the truth will come out.” The video is certainly part of the investigation.

    Also, I included a link to the US News article. The article contains the video and the caption “Police video of Zimmerman shows no sign of scuffle.” It's not like I overlooked it or was trying to hide it. And I again remind you that I said the father's account is not necessarily the truth – only that it paints a different picture than the earlier reports.

    You said, “This article was tagged "bigots, hypocrites..." how ironic.”

    What's ironic is that Zimmerman isn't white yet this continues to be portrayed as a white on black crime. Why? Why did Obama say that if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon? Why is it that the left keeps bringing up race when there's ZERO evidence that race played any part in this tragic event? It's because those on the left are hypocrites and they're very deft at race baiting. Thus I included the labels “bigots” and “hypocrites.”

    Thanks again for visiting and for your comments. God bless!!


  4. How about the eye witness account that saw the person wearing red (Zimmerman) being on the ground being punched.!

    Interesting that they would conveniently leave that out of the main stream media ?

  5. Anonymous,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Just to avoid any confusion, I don't believe your the same anonymous visitor who called me a racist in the comments above.

    You're right that there's a lot of details not being reported by the alternative media (I don't consider them mainstream anymore). Besides the eyewitness accounts, there's also the 911 recording where Zimmerman is heard calling for help.

    It's like I said in the post, there's two sides to the story. We need to let the investigation take its course. The other side, the side shouting for "justice," isn't interested in justice. They're ready to lynch Zimmerman. They're a mob.

    Thanks for your comments. Please keep visiting. God bless!!

