writing a series responding to an article from TalkOrigins.org
titled, FABNAQ
(Frequently Asked But Never Answered Questions). I'm hoping to
answer 2-3 questions with each post but the first 2 questions had
multiple sub-questions so I answered only question #1 in my first
post and now I'm answering only question #2 in my second. And even
though I'm only answering a single question, this is a longer post
than usual. Thanks in advance for your patience. Let's get on to
the next question:

talked many times before about the nature of theories and evidence.
In short, theories are our attempts to explain the evidence. A
fossil, for example, doesn't tell us how it came to be. Instead, we
use our theories to explain how the fossil came to be. I believe
most fossils were created suddenly in the Flood described in Genesis.
Someone else may believe the fossil formed in a local event (like a
flooded stream), which buried the creature. Both theories could
explain how the fossil formed yet the fossil doesn't tell us which is
true. The fossil is simply data and isn't really for either
idea that evidence is for any theory seems rather circular to
me. If I invent a theory to explain some thing, how could I then say
the thing is evidence for my theory? If I found a black rock with
purple stripes painted on it, I could theorize that aliens painted
the stripes on the rock. What evidence do I have for this theory,
you might ask? Well, there's the rock and there are the stripes so
that proves it! You can see how that doesn't work.
question should be, which theory better explains the evidence?
It seems obvious that the better theory is the one that best
explains the evidence. And if that is true, then problems for
evolution do tend to be evidence for creation. I wrote a
series a couple of years ago, where I suggested 10 observations that
were better explained by creation than evolution/naturalism. I'll
link to the series below but here are a few points from that series:
- Secular origin stories claim matter/energy just poofed into existence. They believe there must have been a natural cause for nature but that's like saying nature created nature. It's absurd. It's far more reasonable to believe that something outside of nature caused nature – something “super”-natural.
- Secular scientists still cling to a type of spontaneous generation which they now call “abiogenesis.” It's similar to the long discarded belief that maggots would spring out of rotting meat. Every example of spontaneous generation that was once believed to have occurred has been debunked through experimentation and observation (AKA, “science”). Now, evolutionists similarly believe the first life-form sprang out of a fortunate arrangement of amino acids. They haven't seen it happen. They can't make it happen. They just blindly believe it did happen. It's far more reasonable to believe God created life.
- Mimicry is an observed phenomenon where one creature looks and/or behaves like another creature. A fly might look like a bee; a lizard might look like a leaf; a moth might look like an owl. There is an obvious survival advantage to this – prey can more easily hide from predators or maybe it appears too dangerous to approach. But how did such remarkable similarities evolve? Evolutionists have their stories: each generation of fly was tested by natural selection, and the fly most similar to the bee survived until, over time, the fly looked a lot like the bee. The problem with this story is that evolution is not supposed to be a directed process. Natural selection didn't know the fly should look more like a bee. Furthermore, the bee is also supposed to be evolving so it wouldn't matter if the fly looked like the bee if the bee was going to look like something else in a million years. To believe such a remarkable similarity could evolve naturally is improbable. To believe it has happened thousands of times is laughable. It is far more reasonable to believe the similarities are the product of design.
I've said, evolutionists have their own explanations for these
things. The question is, which is the better explanation. In many
cases, creation is the better theory to explain what we observe.
Is there any observation which was predicted by your theory?
two theories predict the same thing, then that thing really wouldn't
be evidence for either theory. For example, because the Bible says
there was a flood that covered even the tallest mountains, I could
predict we might find fossils of aquatic animals on the top of even
the tallest mountains. Sure enough, we do find shells on the top of
the Himalayas. Now, people who believe in evolution have their own
theories on why there are fossils on the tops of mountains. It's as
I've already said, both theories have to explain the evidence.
However, in this case, the Bible was indisputably written before
anyone Mt Everest so finding evidence the tops of mountains were once
underwater was predicted before the evidence was found.
can already see the evolutionists rolling their eyes as they read
this. I would consider this a very successful prediction – made
millennia before being confirmed – but I doubt critics will see it
the same way. In spite of what you've always heard, many skeptics
don't go wherever the evidence leads them. Instead, they only see
what they want to see and they refuse to see this as a successful
prediction. Oh well.
we need are predictions that are based on creationist assumptions and
are not the same as predictions made by secular theories. Here's one
for you to consider:
1984, PhD scientist, Dr. Russell Humphreys, published his predictions
of the strengths of the magnetic fields of both Uranus and Neptune.
His prediction was specifically borne out of his belief in creation.
In his own words (source):
made the predictions on the basis of my hypotheses that (A) the raw
material of creation was water (based on II Peter 3:5, "the
earth was formed out of water and by water"), and (B) at the
instant God created the water molecules, the spins of the hydrogen
nuclei were all pointing in a particular direction. The tiny
magnetic fields of so many nuclei would all add up to a large
magnetic field. By the ordinary laws of physics, the spins of the
nuclei would lose their alignment within seconds, but the large
magnetic field would preserve itself by causing an electric current
to circulate in the interior of each planet. By the same laws, the
currents and fields would preserve themselves with only minor losses,
as God rapidly transformed the water into other materials. After
that, the currents and fields would decay due to electrical
resistance over thousands of years. Not all creationists agree with
my hypothesis that the original material was water, but all agree
that once a magnetic field existed, it would decay over time.”
more, his predictions were very different than the
secular, dynamo
theory predictions. Not just a little different but different on
an order of magnitude.
1986, when Voyager II passed Uranus, we learned that Humphreys'
prediction was correct and the dynamo theory prediction was wrong.
In 1989, Voyager II passed Neptune and, again, Humphreys was proven
right and all other predictions were wrong.
made his predictions in 1984. They were verified in 1986 & 1989.
TalkOrigins wrote their article asking for successful predictions in
1992. They either had not heard of these successful predictions,
heard of them and didn't consider them to be successful predictions,
or heard of them and ignored them hoping that no one else ever hears
about them. I'll let my readers decide which is most likely the