Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Cool Thing about Christianity

This is a follow up to my last post, The Funny Thing about Science. There, I talked about how the fundamental presupposition behind science is self defeating. Scientists – without a shred of evidence – accept a worldview that requires them to not accept anything without evidence. I still laugh every time I think about it. Before I get into my own worldview, let's consider a couple of other things about the worldview of secular science.

Scientists (both Christian and secular scientists) have done a pretty good job in describing processes. They have learned to apply physical laws in practical ways. Take our first trip to the moon, for example. We had to create a method to leave earth's atmosphere, land on the moon, lift off the moon, and return the astronauts safely to earth. A million and one things had to be taken into consideration but here's one thing I've not heard discussed: how did the scientists know that the physical laws we understand on earth would be the same on the moon? We had never been to the moon before. We've never observed or tested physical laws there. They merely assumed they would be the same.

Scientists never really talk about it but they don't have an explanation for the origin of physical laws. Where did gravity come from, for example? They don't know; they just know that it exists. It must have poofed itself into existence. If they don't know where physical laws came from, what rational reason do they have to expect them to continue to operate in a predictable way? Some might say that since the laws have always behaved in predictable ways they expect them to continue behaving in predictable ways. This is about as logical as saying, “Well, I've never died before so I don't expect to die in the future.” The truth is, they have no logical reason to believe physical laws will continue behaving in predictable ways. They merely assume they will. If physical laws poofed themselves into existence, there is no rational reason to believe they will always operate in predictable ways.

Along those lines, how do scientists know that physical laws operate the same everywhere? We've not been everywhere to observe or test them. Ultimately, scientists have to assume they do. It's another one of those faith-like things that scientists practice.

Finally, how can scientists have confidence in their own senses as they make observation? After all, if evolution is true, then our brains are simply the products of millions of years of mutation and selection and our thoughts are merely chemical reactions in our brains. Even our memories could not be relied upon. Yet scientists assume their senses are reliable.

Uniform laws, predictability, and repeatability are all necessary in science. Scientists assume these things are true but really have no reason to expect them according to their own theory.

Now, here's the cool thing about Christianity. I have a worldview that God created us and has given us His revealed word – the Bible. The Bible affirms itself to be true – unlike the secular worldview which contradicts itself. The Bible says that God not only created the universe but He also sustains it. Since God is everywhere, I have a rational reason to believe that His physical laws will be the same everywhere. Since God doesn't change, I have a rational reason to believe His physical laws will always continue to operate in predictable ways. Since God created us in His image, I have a rational reason to have confidence in my senses that I can observe and understand His creation.

The secular worldview really cannot make sense of the universe. The Christian worldview does. Indeed, it is the Christian God that even makes science possible. As I've said, though, secular scientists can do a decent job in describing the universe; if their worldview is so arbitrary, contradictory, and self defeating, how are they able to do that? It's only because my worldview is true!! Cool, huh!?

Further reading

The Evolutionist's Empty Demand For Evidence

The Funny Thing about Science

The Science of Right and Wrong


  1. Wow. Really?
    First of all, since when did scientists start saying the physical laws poofed themselves into existence? Scientists have several theories involving gravity and whatnot, but nothing can be proven, so no specific explanation can be confirmed as correct currently. And even if scientists had no idea where something came from doesn't mean it might spontaneously change.

    Secondly, I can't believe you could possibly disgrace the human race more than questioning how the scientists knew the laws of physics could stay the same in extraterrestrial areas. Galileo, hundreds of years in the past, developed the first telescope and charted how gravity affected space elsewhere, proposing the idea of a heliocentric solar system. Many scientists later, Einstein proposed an explanation of gravity and how all things in the universe work the same by measuring the planets' orbits. We sent satellites, probes, rovers, etc. before we sent the first man to the moon. That was Apollo 11. Are you saying that people just assumed that the moon would be the same, and we didn't do thousands of tests, measurements, and so on?

    Third of all, if you didn't know which orchard an apple came from, would you say that it might change its orchard of origin, or type, or even color? No! Thanks to the second law of motion, we know that laws will not spontaneously change if they have no reason.

    Fourth, how do you know God won't change? He, of course, just poofed into existence, so how do you know he will not vary?

    And finally, gravity is not a law. There are very few laws in science, and pretty much everything modern day scientists work with is theory. Anything that contradicts itself in science is a theory and is currently being worked on and fine-tuned to be a law. All physical laws will stay the same and will always stay the same in any universe up to the eighth dimension, because a law is intrinsically a law.

    You are an idiot. I'm every way. I am a Christian who looks at facts and knows the definitions of simple words.

    Please see a doctor.

    Sincerely, a concerned theist.

  2. Wow. Really?
    First of all, since when did scientists start saying the physical laws poofed themselves into existence? Scientists have several theories involving gravity and whatnot, but nothing can be proven, so no specific explanation can be confirmed as correct currently. And even if scientists had no idea where something came from doesn't mean it might spontaneously change.

    Secondly, I can't believe you could possibly disgrace the human race more than questioning how the scientists knew the laws of physics could stay the same in extraterrestrial areas. Galileo, hundreds of years in the past, developed the first telescope and charted how gravity affected space elsewhere, proposing the idea of a heliocentric solar system. Many scientists later, Einstein proposed an explanation of gravity and how all things in the universe work the same by measuring the planets' orbits. We sent satellites, probes, rovers, etc. before we sent the first man to the moon. That was Apollo 11. Are you saying that people just assumed that the moon would be the same, and we didn't do thousands of tests, measurements, and so on?

    Third of all, if you didn't know which orchard an apple came from, would you say that it might change its orchard of origin, or type, or even color? No! Thanks to the second law of motion, we know that laws will not spontaneously change if they have no reason.

    Fourth, how do you know God won't change? He, of course, just poofed into existence, so how do you know he will not vary?

    And finally, gravity is not a law. There are very few laws in science, and pretty much everything modern day scientists work with is theory. Anything that contradicts itself in science is a theory and is currently being worked on and fine-tuned to be a law. All physical laws will stay the same and will always stay the same in any universe up to the eighth dimension, because a law is intrinsically a law.

    You are an idiot. I'm every way. I am a Christian who looks at facts and knows the definitions of simple words.

    Please see a doctor.

    Sincerely, a concerned theist.

  3. You are an idiot,

    I think it's funny that you use that as your screen name. Idiot... May I call you, Idiot?, I appreciate you visiting my blog. Self deprecating humor is a subtle art but you make it look so easy.

    Idiot, said, “Wow. Really? ¶First of all, since when did scientists start saying the physical laws poofed themselves into existence?”

    Of course they don't put it in those words but what are the alternatives? Either physical laws have always existed (i.e. they are eternal) or they were created. If they were created, they could not have been created by anything supernatural because science only allows natural explanations. Therefore, they must have created themselves.

    Idiot said, “Scientists have several theories involving gravity and whatnot, but nothing can be proven...”

    LOL. Yes, scientists have several theories involving gravity. They have very few ideas about the origin of gravity or other physical laws.

    Idiot said, “And even if scientists had no idea where something came from doesn't mean it might spontaneously change.”

    Still, they have no rational reason to expect them to remain constant. Science does not consider purpose or design behind natural laws. If they are purposeless and undesigned, why should they necessarily be constant – especially if you don't know what causes them?

    Idiot said, “I can't believe you could possibly disgrace the human race more than questioning how the scientists knew the laws of physics could stay the same in extraterrestrial areas.”

    But how can they KNOW without having observed and tested physical laws everywhere? They haven't been everywhere to test or observe them!

    Idiot said, “Galileo, hundreds of years in the past, developed the first telescope and charted how gravity affected space elsewhere, proposing the idea of a heliocentric solar system.”

    Galileo's telescope was very crude by today's standard. The amount of the universe we can observe today has only been observable for the last few decades, not for hundreds of years. And even what we can observe cannot necessarily be tested. How do we know physics operates the same inside a distant star as it does here on earth?

    By the way, since when is it insulting to not agree with the majority of scientists? Do I need to remind you that Galileo disagreed with the majority of scientists in his day?

    Idiot said, “Fourth, how do you know God won't change? He, of course, just poofed into existence, so how do you know he will not vary?'

    Malachi 3:6 says, “For I am the Lord, I change not.” Also, God is eternal; He always was and never came into existence. If you are a Christian, you should know these things.

    Idiot said, “And finally, gravity is not a law.”

    You're conflating theory and fact. 'What' gravity is is a theory. 'That' gravity is is a fact.
    Idiot said, “You are an idiot. I'm every way. I am a Christian who looks at facts and knows the definitions of simple words.”

    Perhaps you are a Christian. I also think you're about 13 years old – at least you act that way maturity wise. Thanks anyway for visiting my blog. God bless!!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Vorwicked,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I normally wouldn't have published all three of your comments because it's obvious that you were merely confused by the moderation feature. However, I saw a certain irony in your confusion while you simultaneously call creationists stupid. Since you lacked civility, I thought it not too harsh to expose your lack of attention. Oh, and BTW, are you 13 or 14? I suspect it's more like 12.

    I'm a little encouraged by the responses to this post. Thus far, the only rebuttal seems to be to try to insult me. I think that is indicative of the strength of the argument.

    I hope I've not driven you off. Thanks for visiting. Please visit again.

    God bless!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Vorwicked,

    You tried what?

    Did you try to shame me into submission by calling me stupid?

    Did you try to educate me with your underwhelming biblical scholarship?

    Did you try to persuade me with bald assertions?

    Did you try to trick me into thinking you were older yet couldn't get your own age correct?

    Whatever it was you were trying, yes - you failed. Keep trying though. Please visit again.

    God bless!!
