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Friday, June 6, 2008

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Evolution

I’m not in favor of teaching Special Creation in public schools. The simple fact of the matter is, I don’t trust non-Christian teachers to represent the creation argument fairly. But I do get annoyed when evolution is presented as “fact” and no arguments to the contrary are allowed.

A few years ago, the Cobb County (GA) School Board inserted the following disclaimer into their science textbooks:

“This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered.”

Now, you’ll notice there’s no mention of God, Genesis, or creationism. However, this benign statement was enough to send militant evolutionists into a tizzy. The ACLU sued Cobb County on behalf of six parents and had the sticker nixed on the grounds that it was religious in nature. //RKBentley scratches his head//

Anyway, the opponents of creation are at it again. This time it’s in TX and they’re up in arms over the words, “strengths and weaknesses.” According to the New York Times, while deciding next year’s curriculum, the TX state school board is considering allowing schools to teach the “strengths and weaknesses” of evolution. Let me repeat that: Schools are allowed to teach the strengths and weaknesses of evolution. It doesn’t say they can’t teach evolution.

I’m sorry, but that’s not good enough for the left-leaning New York Times or for staunch evolutionists. To them, evolution is a fact and it has no weaknesses. You cannot tell a child there’s any part of the theory we haven’t figured out because that child might suspect evolution isn’t true!! Shock, gasp, gulp!! No! We must tell them evolution is a fact and not allow any evidence to the contrary.

This is the kind of “education” groups like the National Center for Science Education want. They don’t want a rigorous debate of the theories. They don’t want critical thinking or healthy skepticism. They want indoctrination into evolution - plain and simple.

I’ve always said that evolution is the ONLY scientific theory protected by law. We’ll see that evidenced again if this wording makes it into the Texas school curriculum. I can almost hear the ACLU pens scratching as they're already preparing their briefs.


Stacy said...

If it isn't about religion, then why are only the religious supporting it? If Louisiana's Science Education Act isn't about religion, then why is The Discovery Institute behind it? I respect everyone's right to their own belief but this is openly forcing one's ideas into a public forum. A religious person of any denomination should be ashamed.

RKBentley said...


Thanks for visiting my blog. I'd like to remind you again of my opening line: I'm not in favor of teaching creationism in public schools.

You mentioned that we should not force ideas onto anyone in a public forum. But isn't that exactly what is happening already? Public school kids are being force feed evolution and NO other opinions are allowed.

And I don't know if "only the religious" are supporting this. I do imagine that people who don't believe evolution are in favor of this, but it also seems to me that anyone who is interested in fair treatment of any theory should be in favor of this. If there are legitimate questions about a particular aspect of evolution, are we not allowed to discuss it?

Science should stand or fall based on the evidence - but there needs to be debate. ToE should not be exempt from scrutiny.

Thanks again for visiting my blog. God Bless!!


NP said...

RKBentley, the Cobb County decision was clearly motivated by creationism. Firstly, the sticker implied the same strawman definition of "theory" that anti-evolutionists often used. As Ken Miller pointed out,science should be studied with an open and critical mind by all means. But what was striking about the Cobb County sticker was that it singled out evolution, whilst ignoring cell theory, the germ theory of disease, plate tectonics theory, et cetera.

The newest tactics to skirt the Establishment Clause are also being promoted by politicians who are creationists. The bills would essentially give teachers the license to teach whatever nonsense they want under the guise of "academic freedom" or teaching "strengths and weaknesses". Science standards are in place for a reason, and if creationism had any scientific merit it would find its way into the classroom through the national science standards. As of now, evolution remains the best explanation for biological diversity, the relatedness of organisms, and their change over time.