remember how surprised I was when I first heard a radio advertisement
for Genesis Veracity Foundation (visit
their site here). What surprised me most was that it advertised
on a secular radio station. There are very few creation apologetics
groups that advertise on the radio and I don't know if I had ever
heard one advertise on secular radio. Even groups like Answers in
Genesis usually stick to Christian stations. Besides being surprised
to hear them advertising, I was also surprised that I had never heard
of them before. It seems to me that a group large enough to
advertise would already have a large enough web presence that I would
have at least heard of them. Not in this case though.
commercials were very appealing. They talked about defending the
Bible from the very first book. They asked how would Jesus answer if
He were asked about evolution or Noah's Flood. They raised many of
the same points that I've raised on my blog. I was very excited for
a while – until I actually visited their website.
you've ever read David Copperfield, you might recall Mr. Dick. He
was the eccentric friend of David's aunt who was constantly writing a
“memorial.” It seems that no matter how hard he tried, King
Charles I always seemed to creep into his writings. This site
reminds me of Mr. Dick. It seems that no matter what the subject is,
they cannot help but refer to the city of Atlantis. Yes, I mean “the
lost city of Atlantis” mentioned by Plato.

the left is a side bar contain links to many of the things you might
expect to find on creation website including: Ice Age Hydrology,
Earth Measure Geometry (not sure what they mean by this one), and
Post Ice Age Migrations. There's even a link titled, Submerged Ruins Atlantis. How much more obvious could they be? As you click on each link, you will find
within the articles, references to Atlantis.
Here are a few excerpts:
their tab, Ice Age Hydrology, we find this statement: Note
that some of the flood stories are records of the sea level rise with
the end of the Ice Age, such as the legend of Kumari Kandam off
southern India and Atlantis in the Gibraltar region, not to be
confused with the clearly global flood legends...
their tab, Earth Measure Geometry, we find this statement: And
the fact that the ancient fortress at Seville, Spain, which was
ancient Tarshish, part of the Atlantean Empire during the ice age....
their tab, Post Ice Age Migration, we find this statement: The
“sea peoples” invaded the eastern Mediterranean while the deserts
of the world were forming, vast tracts of north Africa becoming the
Sahara at that time, and southern Spain changing from the lush
environ of atlantean times with elephants,....
on their blog we find articles that reference Atlantis. On 9/3/2013,
they published a blog titled, Basque
Language Remnant of Atlantis Similarities Algonquin Lenape Nahuatl
Groups Americas. Under the blog, Real
Genesis History Proof Knocks Wind Out of Skeptics’ Sails to Face
Claims of Jesus Christ, they said, “For
decades, the history in the book of Genesis has been the whipping boy
for skeptics of the Word, saying science has proven the Bible wrong,
but now coming to light the submerged ruins, bronze age climate
change (at the time of the Exodus and the demise of Atlantis), and
the real cause of the Ice Age, the whip is being taken out of their
could go on but I've made the point. I love to see Christians
standing up for the word of God but I just can't see how insisting
there was a real Atlantis defends the word of God. Was Atlantis
mentioned somewhere in the Bible and I missed it?
in all fairness, I haven't read many of their articles. I just
couldn't get past the “Atlantis” being thrown in my face at every
turn. I have some links to reputable apologetics and creationist
websites on my side bar to the right. Feel free to visit those
sites. However, I won't be adding a link to Genesis Veracity
Foundation's site any time soon.