is amoral. If nature is all there is, then there is really no such
things as good or evil. One man killing another is really no
different than a lion hunting a zebra or an apple falling from a
tree. They are all just descriptions of things that happen without
an interest if they're right or wrong. Of course, we recoil at
comparing murder to an apple falling from a tree. We know, almost
instinctively, that murder is “wrong.”
this built-in sense of knowing some things are always wrong which
suggests that maybe nature really isn't all there is. Maybe there's
an absolute standard of what is right – a transcendent truth that
trumps any individual's opinion. Where might this universal standard
be? Some might suggest that our sense of morality comes from
community. It's a collective agreement on what works best for
society as a whole. Everyone is better off if people don't kill,
steal, and cheat.
we start looking to societal norms as “right,” we still cannot
find solid grounds to identify any particular behavior as wrong.
Most people consider slavery to be wrong. However, slavery was
allowed in the US for 400 years – from the time of the early
settlers to the time it was a flourishing, world power. How can we
objectively say that we're right now and they were wrong then? When
the Nazis were being tried after WWII, most of them claimed that
their war “crimes” were legal in their society. Again, who are
we to say that another people in another place are wrong and we're
right? The bottom line is that if there is no immutable law that
transcends human opinion, then might makes right. There are no,
inalienable, God-given rights. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness are only privileges the state lets us have.
I was
on YouTube the other day and I was watching a debate between an
evolutionist (David Silverman) and a creationist (John Rankin). Most
debates of this kind focus on the evidence for or against the
respective theories. However,
this particular debate discussed the question, “Can Darwinian
evolution produce a healthy society?” As usual, Silverman, the
evolutionist argued that our moral values are basically evolved
instincts to do what is best for the community. Blah, blah, blah.
blogged about these types of comments before.
To his
credit, though, Silverman was a little more candid about the idea
that there is no ultimate right or wrong according to evolution. His
opinion was basically, “whatever works is right.” But the most
intriguing thing he said was that it is the very idea of “absolute
truth” that is harmful to society! According to him, it's the
religious zealots, the ones who think they know God's truth, who will
strap bombs to themselves or fly planes into buildings. His is a
clever tactic. Well, maybe not clever but certainly novel. He says
on one hand that whatever provides the most benefit to the most
people is “good” but believing there is a such thing as objective
good is “bad.” Incredible!
I see
a couple of flaws in his approach. Obviously, it contradicts itself.
After all, how can he seriously say in one breath that there is
ultimately no objective right or wrong, then in the next breath say
that believing in an objective moral standard is “wrong”?

again we see the case of a flawed world view unable to measure up to
its own standards. If our sense of right and wrong is an evolved
trait, then our belief in God, another evolved trait, is
instinctively right. Since the majority of people believe, then
belief seems to be the preferred trait. Therefore, unbelief – aka,
atheism – is morally “wrong.”
we have is a paradox; if Silverman is right, then he's wrong.