In my
introduction to this series, I pointed out the casual use of the word
“prove” in the article, Three
Pieces of Evidence That Prove Evolution is a Fact. People who
claim to respect science are usually quick to point out that science
never proves
anything so, if anything, this evidence only proves evolution is
dogma to some people. Generally, theories are falsified rather than
proven. Think about this:
If I
ate an entire pizza, I'd be full.
I must have eaten an entire pizza.
course, I could be full if I'd eaten an entire pizza but being full
by itself doesn't prove my theory. I could be full for some other
reason, like eating a pound of bacon. Likewise, the three evidences
presented in the article could be explained by evolution but they
still don't prove evolution because some other explanation – the
correct explanation – might exist for the same evidence. In the
case of these three, I would say they can all be explained by
supernatural creation but even if I had no other explanation
whatsoever, I would still say they don't prove evolution because
there could still be some unknown explanation waiting to be
let's look at these three “proofs.”
Traits. Common Ancestor.
about your family. You and your closest relatives look more alike
than you and your cousins. Likewise, you look more like your cousins
than you do more distant relatives, and more like distant relatives
that people on the other side of the globe. The closer you are
related, by-and-large, the more similarities you share.... This
patterning, like in your family, extends throughout all
on Earth.
true that evolution could explain similar features in closely related
species. Of course, created things can also have common traits.
Consider this illustration. The tricycle and the cart obviously have
features in common but the cart certainly hasn't evolved from the
tricycle. Their only relationship is that they were designed to
perform similar functions. Some of their similarities, the blue
frame, the black tires with heavy tread, the black seats and
steering, etc, are merely the preferences of the designers.
Likewise, similar features among different creatures could be
evidence they were designed by a Creator and reflect his purpose and

evolution fails to explain well are similar features in creatures
that aren't considered closely related by their theory. Humans and
chimps both have an appendix. If they are both descended from a
common ancestor that also had an appendix, it would make sense we
both have one. However, possums also have an appendix. Possums are
marsupial mammals which supposedly split from placental mammals 65
million years ago so they cannot have a recent ancestor. If
evolution were true, we should be able to trace the appendix along
the so called, “tree of life,” and see that all species with an
appendix also have a common ancestor. Instead, it appears randomly
across the tree of life while being absent in species that supposedly
link them.
are also fingerprints. Humans and chimps have fingerprints but so do
koalas. According to LiveScience,
doll-sized marsupials that climb trees with babies on their backs,
have fingerprints that are almost identical to human ones. Not even
careful analysis under a microscope can easily distinguish the loopy,
whirling ridges on koalas' fingers from our own.... The remarkable
thing about koala prints is that they seem to have evolved
independently. On the evolutionary tree of life, primates and modern
koalas' marsupial ancestors branched apart 70 million years ago.”
common features are not “proof” of common ancestry, even
according to evolution!
See Species Changing Over Time
of the most important discoveries that lead to Darwin’s Theory of
Evolution was extinct animals found as fossils. Early
paleontologists, like Charles Lyell and George Cuvier, noticed a very
simple fact: Species that lived in the past are very often
drastically, wildly different from anything alive today. Trilobites,
dinosaurs, giant sloths, baculites, etc., they all suggest that life
on Earth has changed quite a bit.
like to use dogs as examples of change in populations because
most people are familiar with dogs and know they come in all shapes,
sizes, and colors. The problem with evolution is that dogs never
come in new shapes, sizes, and colors. Take color, for
example. Dogs can be white, brown, black, blonde, and red. However,
they aren't green or blue. Why not? It's because the “change”
we observe in species are merely rearrangements of traits already
present in the population.

selection can only ever select from traits that already exist –
hence, we call it, “selection.” For evolution to be possible,
creatures have to acquire new traits. For a dinosaur to become a
bird, you would have to add feathers. For a fish to become a frog,
you would have to add legs. To turn a bacterium into a basset hound
would require a millions of years long parade of new traits being
added generation after generation. We don't see any new traits. We
see changes among animal populations. We
don't see evolution!
noticed something very interesting about the illustration of human
evolution used in the article. If you look carefully, you'll notice
the only direct ancestor shown for Homo sapiens is Homo
erectus. All other species are linked by some unnamed, imagined
common ancestor. Isn't that interesting? Finding a human ancestor
is the life dream of any paleontologist but after more than a century
of looking, no
“clear progression” from ape to human has been found.
Remnants of Past Generations
over a manufactured product today, and you are likely to see a small
sticker or tag that says what country it was made in. Like those
tags, species bear the marks of where they came from. These signs of
origin might come in the form of repurposed traits, traits that hurt
a species chances of surviving or reproducing.
author appears to be talking about vestigial organs. The
champion of all vestigial organs ever touted by evolutionists is the
appendix. I've discussed above how the appendix being present in
some mammals but absent in the species that are supposed to link them
is evidence against common ancestry. What I didn't mention above is,
if the appendix is vestigial, it's even more difficult for evolution
to explain how it would evolve independently in different species.
Put another way, why should I believe the appendix served some
function so well that “nature” created it in several different
species of mammal but now it's nothing more than a useless leftover?
people say human
facial hair is vestigial, left over from a time we had a heavy
coat of fur. However, have you every noticed how men have hair on
their lips, chin, jaw, and brown while chimps (supposedly our closest
cousins) have virtually no hair around their mouths nor on their
brow? Did we evolve this since human/chimps split from their alleged
ancestor? If so, how is it vestigial?
defining an organ as vestigial is problematic because there is no,
simple, rigorous definition of the word, “vestigial.” Just as
above, some people claim it is a useless leftover. In a article
dealing with vestigial organs, LiveScience
said this about the appendix: “Any
secondary function that the appendix might perform certainly is not
missed in those who had it removed before it might have ruptured.”
definition fails because I could live a long, normal life even if I
cut the little finger off my left hand. That certainly doesn't prove
my finger is vestigial. Furthermore, sometimes a structure might
have a purpose that hasn't been identified. We have found, for
example, that the appendix does help our immune system. But even if
an organ can be found to truly have no function, it can still be
explained by the creation model. God could have created an animal
with a functioning structure but over time, through mutation and
degradation, the structure has become functionless.
conclusion, these three evidences are not only fail as proof
of evolution, I believe they are weak at explaining anything. The
same things are explained as well, or maybe better, by creation.